"Give to others, and it will be given to you"

It's easier to donate food or money to an organization then to do the work yourself. If you want to send food or contribute in some way, I will except you generosity, but I must tell you that it will not be as rewarding as your own personal effort. Try it on your own at least once and I promise you that you will be rewarded with the greater feeling of "Love". I want to plead with you to try it at least once.

If you still insist on contributing, please send your contribution by clicking the donate button bellow:

If you intend on sending me heavy product like rice, beans, and packaging like Styrofoam boxes, I would ask you if you could incur all the delivery costs by sending these heavy products directly to me in the Dominican Republic at the following address:

George Nevrodis
Almacenes Suny, C. POR. A.
Av. Duarte No. 267 (Esquina Osvaldo Bazil)
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana

If you live in the Dominican Republic, you can drop of the rice and/or beans to the Duarte address directly. The address above is a business address, and is open 6 days a week Monday through Saturday.

You can e-mail me at george@presentmedia.com or you can also call me on my cell phone with any questions. Please request for my cell phone number by e-mail, and I will send it to you.